Performance test issue with Apache JMeter 5.5 and 5.6.2 Transaction Controller does not generate parent in CLI Mode

Does anyone know how to get around the issue in Apache JMeter 5.5, 5.6.2 where the Transaction Controller does not Generate the Parent Sample while in CLI Mode. Note: it seems to work ok in GUI Mode but not CLI.

Hi there magic358

Do I understand you correctly that you don’t care about having the the child samples output in the log file as long as you end up with a CSV log file where the “parent sample” added up all the statistics (elapsed time, etc.) correctly?

I haven’t noticed any change from earlier versions, but I see someone with your username posted an issue with no response so far in Generate Parent Sample not working in version 5.6.2 while in CLI Mode · Issue #6056 · apache/jmeter · GitHub.

How does adding to the run command work out for you? E.g. apache-jmeter\bin\jmeter -n -t Demo-TransactionController.jmx -l logfile.csv

This approach is coming from someone else’s reply to what I’m guessing is a similiar question in issue 5941, but I’m not sure I understand what the original poster is asking. (jmeter#Transaction Controller勾选generate parent sample,命令行运行没有生效,5.1或5.5版本使用 · Issue #5941 · apache/jmeter · GitHub).

Hi there and welcome to MoT! :slight_smile:

I’ve had this issue also and there is no solution yet. I think you’ve already found this issue since you’ve posted on it:

It’s been broken since 2019: