Performance testing path/courses for desktop apps (electron apps)

I was trying to find courses online which talk about tools for performance testing your desktop apps. We have been trying to run e2e tests to check for how much time the app takes to boot up etc. and also wanted to move to now capture information regarding how much is the bundle size of our app during booting up etc.
Wanted to take help in 2 things -
Firstly where can I get good amount of knowledge regarding performance testing, any book or a course anything will be very helpful.
Secondly how do you guys measure performance of your app on a daily basis or monitor it before releases etc. are there any tools to compute the booting up bundle size of the app, what all parameters are there to consider apart from booting up time and bundle size of the app.

Thank you!

Thank you!

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The important step is to actually render the js - exercise the javascript engine itself.

Another great resource:

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