QA Practice - Testing Challenges - Could our idea be useful?

After having IT courses for several years we came up to the problem we see: lack of practice. Yes, there are some dummy testing sites on web, but they are very complicated for beginners, especially without mentor’s support and also lacking automated feedback.

What do you think about such an idea: Free QA Simulator ? Is it clear how to use it? Does it make sense to continue its development?
Please share your feedback!

Very much appreciate it.


Hi there! I think your demo looks nice and I like your idea. I believe some people would like to use it to learn about testing. However, it seems a bit too simple in some exercises. You can learn the basics of test design, but that’s about it. I think a better idea would be to create something like platforms for pen testers/cybersecurity engineers training. It could be an almost real app (web app or mobile) with different bugs, and users would need to find them. Your exercises with password and email validations and booking a desk are really good. I fully support you with this. @simon_tomes and @rosie, maybe MoT would be interested in collaborating and helping to develop such a platform :smiling_face: @jschool, I would be glad to provide feedback, test it, and suggest some exercises or sections that would be nice to have. If you need any advice, feel free to ask. I always struggle to suggest any resources to people who want to get some practice in testing :sweat_smile:


Thank you Konstantin for your input. Definitely you can recommend/suggest this resource as a practical tool for beginners.
Our next steps: increase the number of Testing Challenges and add several new categories, such as UI testing, API testing and maybe a possibility to track found bugs in some Ticket Tracking system.

Pen testing/cybersecurity extension could request the significant efforts to compete HackTheBox resource or similar. Do you consider that we could do something better than them?

One more time thank you for your feedback!

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Quite an impressive website. Would you also offer a list of test cases and bugs so the user might know where they lack?

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thank you vm for your feedback. At the moment there is 1 Youtube video and more to come with all the answers. Do you think a direct hint could be useful or Video is enough?

I think there should be a timer in place. Say 30 mins for the email field test. After the timer, the answers are revealed or some hints are revealed with a button that reveals the answers.

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we haven’t implemented login yet. Thank you for your idea, we’ll consider it.
Btw I can share the tips here :slight_smile: when you’d like

I didn’t mean to create something for pen testing/cybersecurity to compete with HackTheBox, sorry, probably I wasn’t clear, I meant to have something like that for QA and testers but about software testing :smiling_face: Btw, I also believe that it might be a good idea to develop security testing exercises specifically crafted for testers. The entry point for testers in cybersecurity can be different, and the required level of knowledge may not always need to be as deep as that for dedicated pen testers.

Ok. Thanks. Security testing is definitely out of scope at the moment.

For other inspiration check this out:

I recommend being careful in using the wording and idea of test cases and trying to avoid them completely.
It can be irresponsible to guide people to look for specific and basic things and think so narrowly. They learn bad patterns/behaviors which they then apply into their work and miss hundreds of awful bugs.

This is a great idea! I’m switching gears in the IT world and looking to get more into software testing. Something like this would be great for a newbie to IT or someone changing job focus.

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ok. Maybe more examples of the different Test Cases will help?

Thank you for your positive feedback, we so need it!

New Video about the Test Cases:

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