Resilience Testing! Why Should You? with Geoffrey van der Tas

For our penultimate TestBash Netherlands talk, @gavdtas took to the stage to talk to us about how important resilience testing is and why we should do it and, of course, the importance of monitoring!

If you’ve got questions for Geoffrey about the talk, add them here :point_down:

Remember to :heart: questions that you like to show appreciation for others.

Access the Q&A Session at 4:00 PM here:

Looking forward to any questions or comments! I really like the subject, so I would love to interact and hear your experiences!

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How do you calculate the probability of an issue happening?

You gave the example of
dd bs=2048 if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null
Can you elaborate on what failure it simulates?

There is not real calculation, just relative to other topics. Like planning poker, you look at other items and relatively you assign them to a probability.

It is a way of stressing your CPU, bij letting it generate random blocks of data. If typed in a Linux machine it will take your cpu usage to 100% allowing you to see how your application works if its under heavy cpu load.