I’m joining in with my reflection on TestBashUK and answering the following questions
What TestBash talk/workshop/activity inspired you to try something at your workplace?
Answer: Richard Adams lets go threat modelling really inspired me and came at the perfect moment as I was starting to research threat modelling. I’ve since given a talk to my companies testing community about it and I’m in the process of planning some game based threat modelling sessions with my team. The other session I really enjoyed was -
What have you tried at your workplace so far and what have you discovered in the process? Please share actual examples.
Answer: Another really inspirational talk was Vernon and Stuart’s What is Quality Coaching talk. So many lightbulb moments during this talk, from WAIT, Why Am I Talking (which I do way too often, but a lot less after that talk) to reflections on coaching and mentoring and how to properly focus and listen. It’s made a big difference in my interactions with my team and, if I’m being completely honest, at home to with the way I listen more to my children and mentor rather than instructing them. I have a lot to thank them for. -
What are you stuck on? What’s holding you back from moving forward with implementing your learnings? What sort of help do you think you need?
Answer: I attended a reporting workshop, hoping to get an answer to what metrics should really be reported and hold the most value. However it’s such a tricky question and not the main focus of the workshop, so I didn’t really get an answer to that. If anyone has any great ideas for this, please feel free to get in touch.