SWTC Belfast - Talking about Testing

Hi all,

here are the whiteboard and flip chart images from the evening’s festivities, my apologies it has taken me so long to get them up and a special thank you to all who took the time to attend. I myself especially enjoyed it after a hiatus of a few meetups!

Another special shoutout to @christianfield for donating two copies of Humans vs Computers ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/Humans-vs-Computers-Gojko-Adzic-ebook/dp/B074WLHL69 ) to be raffled off to some rather happy attendees!

To the images…

Our dedicated attendees hard at work!

Our objectives for the evening

As a group we went over what communication actually is

@louisecollins broke down communication from her point of view

Our attendees hard at it again

Discussion topic choices for two minutes of uninterrupted talking!

I discussed some challenges around talking about testing and got some help from our attendees

Finally, I shamelessly stole from Del Dewar as I found his example from SWTC Glasgow interesting, especially the Hippo!

Our challenge for attendees was to bring as much awareness as you can next time you need to discuss a matter with someone in your work or personal life:

  • What’s their body language? Open or closed off?
  • Are they engaged? Head nods, paraphrasing, asking questions at appropriate times?
  • What words are they using? Short dismissive comments or open questions? Tone?
  • Are there cultural influences? Does the person mean what you think they mean? Louise explained how she learned revert in emails from certain team members was just asking for a reply rather than anything else!

Good luck to those that accept the challenge, let us know how you get on! Once again thank you very much for attending and as mentioned we’ll be on a break until September. A final congratulations to our book winners, we hope you enjoy the read!


Great write-up @shicky!

Will miss the meet-ups over the summer but see y’all in the autumn.

For anyone interested, don’t forget the upcoming Selenium meeting in August. Details not yet posted at date of comment, but watch this space: https://www.meetup.com/Belfast-Selenium-Meetup-Group/