Test.Bash(); 2021 - Meet our new host: Callum Akehurst-Ryan

Test.Bash(); 2021 is almost upon us and to celebrate we thought you might want to get to know more about one of Test.Bash(); 2021’s newest hosts, Callum. So we asked Callum some questions and his role as Senior tester at Improbable. Here are his responses:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m an exploratory tester with over 14 years of testing across loads of different industries (eCommerce, banking, finance, public safety and floristry to name a few). Having started out with a strong and keen interest in human factors and usability I’ve been on a learning journey to getting closer to the code. These days I can be found giving talks and writing blog posts about diversity, pushing testing left, exploratory testing and devOps.

I’m also a kick ass Dungeon Master (the dungeons and dragons kind) and the boss of Ramone the Testing Otter™.

What was it about TestBash that made you want to volunteer as a host?

I love test bash and test.bash(); is of massive appeal to me as someone who’s on a journey to push my skills. I’ve been honing my tool smithing and closer to the code testing and where better to learn more about that then test.bash();? So hosting this event means I get to come and be a part of this journey for others and big up the amazing people who’ve come to teach us all!

I also gave my first ever test bash talk at test.bash(); and Gwen gave me such an awesome intro. Now it’s my turn to pay that back to others!

What are you looking forward to at Test.Bash(); 2021?

I’m actually really excited for Neil’s talk about low and no code tooling; I think talks like this which provide a great entryway to working with tools are amazing! Plus all the convos and seeing all the testing peeps and being a part of such an awesome community (maybe I’ll love tweet this year)!

Actually scratch all that, I’m most excited about seeing you Mark :grin:

Embarrassed face - Mark

:point_right: Have you seen the amazing schedule and registered for Test.bash();?

It’s on October 28th, 10am-10pm UK time. Available with a Pro Subscription or you can purchase a ticket.


Screenshot please! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Callum! Looking forward to TestBash! :slight_smile:


Waves hey there! I’m super excited to join in and be able to introduce some awesome talks! :smiley: