Test.Bash(); 2021 - Share Your Current Tooling for Automated Testing - Sonali Das

Sonali Das has joined Test.Bash(); to share with us their automated testing tooling setup.

We’ll use this Club thread to share resources mentioned during the session and answer any questions we don’t get to during the live session.


Questions answered:

  1. Sonali, what’s your favourite test tool that you used during your career and what made it special?
  2. How long this driver instance stay for? For ex. I need to run two tests one on Chrome and other on Firefox, can this scenario be handled in your framework?

Questions we didn’t get to

  1. Is there any option other than testNg priority? to say run the dependency tests first and then followed by other tests?
  2. Is this an in-house custom toolset at Accenture or does Atom provide the testing libraries (I assume for a fee)?

Resources mentioned


Its Open source from Accenture and can be accessed at GitHub - Accenture/atom

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ATOM support BDD. Hence you can provide multiple tags in the order for the scenarios you want to run in the cucumber options in the Runner class.

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It’s an in-house tool that provides Testing Libraries as open source. It can be cloned at Accenture/atom · GitHub

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