Testers curriculum

I am looking to develop a training curriculum for my team of testers using MOT - I would love to see if someone has developed something like this. I am not sure where to start.


Welcome to the Ministry of all things software quality!
Obviously TAU is the place you should go to today to get engineers ramped up in a structured way. Most of the seasoned testers have dipped into Test Automation University, it’s very diverse. But coming soon there is a new MOT curriculum being sketched out. I’m sure it is going to be pretty awesome - because there is already loads of training material available to all pro Members to draw on, it’s just a bit spread out still.


Sure, will wait for it. Thank you

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That’s a tough question, right? How do you start? You might start by noticing what kind of business you work on and what problems come up over time. You might make a list of products/projects and what artifacts you have at your disposal with a mind map or visuals. There is training and materials; however, no one is going to know your business better than you.

Hi @nagalakshmi

Conrad is right; we’re currently building curricula for automation and junior tester roles. However, there’s a tonne of fantastic content on the site. My advice would be to take these five steps;

  1. Identify your learning goal
    What do you want your team to achieve? What are your challenges? What are your objectives?

  2. Identify each individual’s current knowledge, skills and experience
    This will help you work out what each team member needs to learn so their learning can be personalised (Ideally, do this with them, self-assessments are usually more accurate)

  3. Find resources and leverage community (both the community at MOT and themselves as a team)
    Search for relevant content on our site for topics and skills you’ve identified. There are events, blogs, webinar recordings, talks, courses, articles, challenges and podcasts (notably, you can also make use of content suggestions on content pages and also topic tags to find useful content). Also, get your team to join MoT so they can make connections, ask questions and share their successes. Additionally, take steps to harbour a learning community within your team. Being part of a community can help with motivation.

  4. Create learning lists and SMART goals
    Create learning lists with links to content for each topic and skill. Order content in a logical way that will build upon their understanding and skills. Create SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals so they can work through your list. This ensures a clear action plan, helping them stay focused, motivated, and accountable. Regularly track their progress and adjust their lists and goals as needed.

  5. Promote regular reflections on their progress:
    This is a critical step. Once folks have completed a SMART goal, give them time to reflect on their progress. What did they learn? How does what they’ve learnt fit into their context? What worked well? What could have been better? By regularly reflecting on their progress, both individually and shared as a team, you can adjust your plan accordingly. Additionally, by reflecting on their accomplishments you can help them stay motivated and inspired to continue their learning journeys.

I hope those steps make sense. Additionally, I know @jimholmescc , @susanne.sporys , and @sjprior have created learning lists/curricula for their teams. They may be able to share their own tips and experience on how they use MoT for their teams’ learning and development.