Testing in 2004, 2014, 2024

How would you describe how testing was in 2004, 2014 and 2024?

My attempt:

2004: plan testing and write test cases based on a test plan
2014: what test plan? we’re agile baby.
2024: continuous automated AI testing :laughing::woman_shrugging:t2:


2004: very manual and unstructured
2014: using tools to stay organized and speed up workflows
2024: we throw in a little bit of AI and sell the same tool from 2014
(bonus)2034: the machine does all the testing, the role of testing becomes less about execution and more about thinking deeply about what needs to be tested

(based on my analysis of testing tools available today: Saucelabs, browserstack, postman, cypress, appium etc etc)



  • 199x: bug hunting
  • 200x: getting more structured test
  • 201x: getting the task with test automation done :slight_smile:
  • 202x: risk based test strategy becomes state of the art
  • 203x: after machine learning hyped we learned to use it for testing
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