What are some common scenarios in an automation interview task?

What are some common scenarios that can be included in an automation interview tasks that is roughly for 45 mins split up in two problem solving tasks related to coding / testing?

The tech stack most likely used are playwright, cucumber and typescript

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Not specific question(s), but what I’d consider is crafting a coding portion that deals with modeling the interface to the system/UI under test, like with parts of a page object model, test functions, etc. to be used in test cases / scripts.

I’ve found quite a lot of automation folks aren’t that well versed in properly modeling the test framework code for use in tests that are versatile/reusable, and flexible. Instead what most often do is craft functions that test just specific scenarios almost like hard coding your tests for happy/golden path. And the way their designed, UI element locator changes can break these requiring updates, where if they were coded in more flexible way of using locators, less changes are needed when UI changes. I guess that’s good enough most times, but if you want great automators, I’d have this test to find them among the candidates.

This works well if you have a complex UI/system to be tested, where you can take the easy (less ideal) route or the skilled route for modeling the interface to the system being tested.