What did you think of the TestBash Shorts?

During TestBash Home we’re sharing ‘TestBash Shorts’ which are short tutorial videos that testing community members have created. Each of them sharing a tip about testing that’s no longer than 10 minutes. We’re excited to see so many community members rise up to the challenge to create these videos and share them. But what do you think?

Let us know what you thought about the shorts. Did you learn something new? Was it a good way to get to know other testing community members? Would you like to see more of them in the future?


I was watching a clip about Java webtokens, and signing them, it was definitely aimed at people who know more java than I do. But could not understand why a test or validation “endpoint” service to demo against was not possible to incorporate. (I hope I have the right webinaar, all the screens blur into one these days.)


I loved it, the Synthetic API testing with data-dog was very surprising because I didn’t knew data-dog offered that service. I even have data-dog stickers on my laptop O.o Shame on me!

I think it’s great content, we have something internally also called “snack time” which is just the same 5-10min video’s about a topic. Short, to the point but clear to everyone.

Some like the Java webtoken as @conrad.braam mentioned were for people who already know X & Y about this topic but imho, that’s ok.

Hell yeah, I would be disappointed if you didn’t! :wink:


“What did you think of the Test Bash Shorts?”

“Made a change from the Test Bash T-shirt.”

I’ll get my coat, as we say.

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I like them a lot. If it is a topic you’re interested in, great to listen in for that.
If it is not for you, then it gives you an opportunity for a break, or do some networking

This was my first MOT conference @kristof , and I find it a great fresh way to expose (Java Luddites like me) to new topics. Definitely valuable at making topics less scary at any rate. The datadog piece was very informative, and inspiring, stuck to the key things it does well and told us what it did most of all. Bring it on.

i liked them a lot, and regarding the JWT, for someone who has done them with Postman, this was a valuable Information. Also awesome was the productivity enhancers by Butch, the little Tools which make your Day to Day work better and faster.
So yeah, please more :slight_smile: