What is your organisations view of adoption of AI in software testing?

What are the views your organisation is sharing in regards to AI in software testing?

:pray: Add comments for further perspective and insights.

  • Very enthusiastic & exploring
  • Open but cautious
  • Skeptical & analysing benefits
  • Not interested at this time
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If you can adopt it, then do it, no one will stop you :wink: It’s not a priority, because there are no major benefits that can boost the dev process, improve the quality of products, or testing efficiency, or bring additional revenue in any way (even by saving/reducing costs) (it’s relevant for my particular case because some products AI-based, this is their main marketing feature, so for them, AI (even in testing) may play a different part). As an engineer in a tech company with an engineering culture, it’s up to me to suggest new tools and adopt them; AI isn’t a part of best practices for testing or a tool that is a must-have for testing in almost any circumstances, so no one should force engineers to use the tool just because this is hyped. Personally, I used AI to help me solve some tasks (or solve them faster) but it’s like using Google search or StackOverflow :slight_smile:

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