What skills make you a good tester?

What skills set a tester apart?

Often, it seems to be skills that are difficult to articulate and demonstrate, a secret skillset, you might sayā€”a testing mindset, for one.

Iā€™d love to know 1-3 skills that you think are essential in all good software testers.

  • In what scenario are they valuable?
  • How do you advocate the value of those skills to others so they know your worth?

To whom? Most likely during a recruiting process?
Once Iā€™m hired I prefer ā€œshow, donā€™t tellā€. Showing the application of my skills by revealing the truth about the product, most likely by bringing up problem.
In my experience: At the very last once people have to discuss problems of the product, they stop discussing or challenging your skills.


Counter questions, as I like testing all kinds of statements and things not just softwareā€¦

  • What makes you believe anyone or someone here is a good tester?
  • What makes those people replying experienced enough to say what skills make a tester good, leaving those who donā€™t have most of those specific skills on the bad side?
  • Are we talking generally about anyone testing or professional testers? Iā€™ve seen testing traits in more non-professional testers than those working full-time as one.
  • Is being a good testing professional relevant? in what way? Maybe being a bad tester is better(higher salary, management position, work/life balance, less stress and headaches about all kinds of testing theory and risks)?
  • Is being a ā€˜good testerā€™ in one context a direct path to generalization?
  • Does being good at testing equal reflect being a good employee in a testing role? Maybe the values of others are far from the testersā€™

I feel this very hard.
(By tendency) pretending to test makes sometimes life easier than actually testing (revealing the truth, finding problems and raising question).
The messenger of bad news are often unpopular.


The best testers Iā€™ve worked with ā€“ as a peer and as their manager ā€“ have respected and practised for reals, the following:

  1. Question-asking skills, honing how they dig deeper into a particular thing. For example, this could be seeking clarity on a requirement, questioning a particular thing they are exploring or asking whatā€™s next and whatā€™s a priority (based on risks/delivery pressure etc)
  2. Critical thinking done in a collaborative, communicative and inclusive way with a genuine desire to improve things ā€“ aware of their own biases and limitations. One might consider this the opposite of a self-righteous pedantic nit-picker
  3. Spotting patterns, discovering things that arenā€™t on the radar of a good majority of their team. This means they have skills in building connections with fellow humans beyond their existing workspace/team. They spot patterns across systems, processes and what their customers are getting value from (or not). Spotting patterns support their testing efforts.

Iā€™ve found these skills require effort and patience to develop over time ā€“ with solid leadership to support them. And being brutally honest, some folks are more likely to succeed with these skills than others.


I look for the following:

  1. Emotional Intelligence: Software testing is an emotionally tough job to do. One has to work under technical as well as social pressure. The ability to manage oneā€™s emotions is crucial.
  2. Bug Advocacy: In the end, it does not matter how many bugs one raises unless one can advocate for the issues and get them fixed.
  3. Exploring Requirements: Most requirements are not documented, implicit, or hidden in assumptions. A good tester knows the art of finding requirements, exploring them well, using checklists, heuristics, oracles, and what not. This needs deep investigation skills like Sherlock Holmes.

Tenacity - if you arenā€™t 100% sure dig deeper. Maybe the developer, or the BA, or the user wasnā€™t sure either.

Suspicion - donā€™t ā€œbelieveā€, find out. If you canā€™t find out, say ā€œI donā€™t knowā€. Belief has no place in science, and what we do needs to be scientific.

Honesty - if you feel you have to lie, for example to a boss, get out and do something else. Just because they canā€™t handle the truth doesnā€™t mean you have to lie.


Empathy - being able to see the viewpoint of others, whether this is communicating defects, thinking about the needs of the users.


At Boing I guess being submissive to not create to much stress for the management. :cry:
Being good in creating a testing show, pretending you tested while you actually did not, so that management feels save to cut costs.


Being unafraid to ask dumb questions.

Asking the dumb question just to be 100% sure about understanding something has almost no risk - the people that know the answer will clarify, and everyone can move on with their day. This will happen most of the time.

But every now and then - often enough that that dumb question is always worth asking - it turns out the question isnā€™t dumb, and fundamentally changes the teams understanding of what a particular story/feature needs to achieve.

Ask the dumb thing early enough, and you save everyone a lot of hassle and effort.


Some things in my opinion make a good tester, in the context of an environment where the tester is in a team of software engineers, that is quite technical (eg: teams doing mostly microservices), with fast-paced development:

  • Asking questions, and not be afraid of asking dumb ones. The more information and better understanding they gather on the new features, the better they can assess risk and plan the testing.
  • Communication: Be able to communicate effectively with all the different roles in the project/team. This is essential to be able to explain why the need of the planned testing, risks, dependencies, etc to tech and non tech people.
  • Collaboration: From being able to work with product to understand requirements, find gaps and support prioritisation, to work with engineers to make sure the product is testable, and educate on testing activities.
  • The ā€œsay noā€ skill. Not sure if it is a cultural thing, but I find some people struggle to say no. A good tester should not be afraid to say no to something that is a risk for the feature or project, and going back to the communication skill, explain why is a no.

To be a good tester, first learn basic testing skills and obtain relevant certifications. Key skills include attention to detail, strong analytical abilities, and technical knowledge of programming and testing tools. Effective problem-solving and clear communication are essential, along with curiosity and creativity for discovering hidden defects. Patience and persistence ensure thorough testing, while domain knowledge helps anticipate user behavior. Collaboration with team members and continuous learning keep testers updated with the latest methods and tools.

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On skill/technique I thought about lately is:

Pick a people from a team, that you are afraid, or simply does not feel like having a collaboration with them and force yourself to find a way to communicate with them, to make this fade away. It could be a pair testing session a deeper questions about requirements, asking for help with the automation, anything. Just something where you give some insights, not a chit-chat.


The most important skill that sets a tester apart from the others is a ā€˜Testing Mindsetā€™.

By this I mean the analytical skill to evaluate any software or product with an unbiased mind, without getting swayed by sentiment or buckling under pressure and having an absolutely no-compromise effort for quality.

As a good tester, these are the skills we should be having:

  1. Domain expertise.
  2. An unbiased and analytical mindset to evaluate software evenly.
  3. Being aware of the product capabilities to suggest out of the box defects.
  4. Use of proper tools to increase productivity and speed up efforts (Automation etc.).
  5. Thinking out of the box.
  6. Good documentation and communication skills.
  7. Thinking from the end userā€™s / customerā€™s POV (IMHO the most important skill)

While quality is everyoneā€™s responsibility, we as QA are the owners of quality. We should bring a positive influence on all departments to make them quality conscious.

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Iā€™d say Attention to detail Is a skill that often canā€™t be taught, but often becomes very clear when working with someone in a testing role, things to look out for could be:

  • Identifying subtle bugs - Are they looking beyond the obvious main functionality.
  • Completeness of testing - Have they covered all areas needed, especially important when performing exploratory testing and there are no scripts.
  • Maintaining Consistency - Is everything tested to the same standard
  • Detecting UI/UX Issues - Are they finding usability issues and not just the functional issues.
  • False / positives - Making sure that only relevant issues are raised is really important.
  • Complex systems - Can they adapt to testing more complex system and maintian the above stills.

Some of the skills that can turn testers into good testers are:

Being Proactive: A good tester should not limit themselves only to find bugs, they should use their mindset & experience and try to spot where the bug might occur before they actually do.

Curiosity: Great testers always ask questions like what if, why & how. They dig deeper into the software to learn more and uncover hidden issues.

Communication skill: Being able to explain things clearly to the dev as well as to stakeholders is super important for testers. Good communication helps them report issues and work better with the team, leading to personal growth.

Willingness to Learn: Technology is changing every day so testers should always be excited to learn new tools and techniques to keep improving how they test software.

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I really loved your questions and have given them some thought, which I will definitely share in my company at some point :wink: Thank you for questioning things.

What skills set a tester apart?

From my experience, there are three main skills that really distinguish a good tester:

  1. Critical thinking: Iā€™ve learned to always think beyond the obvious. Itā€™s not just about working through the test plan, but asking, ā€œWhat could go wrong here that others might have missed?ā€ Often, I find issues hidden in the requirements or implementation that would otherwise go unnoticed without this mindset.

  2. Attention to detail: Sometimes itā€™s the smallest things that have the biggest impact on functionality. Iā€™m someone who loves to dive deep into the detailsā€”whether itā€™s a tiny discrepancy in the user interface or a subtle logic error. I believe this attention to detail has often helped me identify problems before they lead to bigger consequences.

  3. Communication skills: Iā€™ve realized that finding bugs is not enough. The key lies in communicating them clearly and understandably, so that the development team can quickly identify and fix the issues. Sometimes itā€™s a fine line to ensure feedback is perceived as constructive, not critical. Open and respectful communication makes a big difference here.

In what scenarios are they valuable?

In my day-to-day work as a tester, I would think these skills are especially valuable:

  • Critical thinking helps me, particularly in the early phases, when requirements are not yet fully refined. I often ask questions or point out gaps that could lead to bigger issues later on. I love being close to the product management and prove on concepts in the early phase of product development.

  • Attention to detail is essential during the testing phases. Colleagues often come to me when they need a ā€œfinal touchā€ because they know I wonā€™t overlook anything.

  • Communication plays a major role when Iā€™m collaborating with developers and product management. Good testers need to be able to convey their findings so that they are seen not just as bugs, but as opportunities for improvement.

How do I convey the value of these skills to others?

What has really helped me demonstrate my value as a tester is letting the results speak for themselves. I always try to use data and metrics to show how many issues were identified early on and how that saved time and costs in the long run.

Another approach is to share successes. For example, when we discover a critical issue that could have caused major problems in production, I make sure to highlight how important it was to catch this in the testing phase.

Lastly, collaboration is key: I aim to create an atmosphere of trust and openness, where my input is seen as helpful rather than criticism. In the end, we all share the same goal ā€“ high-quality, error-free software. When thatā€™s clear, the value of your work becomes evident.

Fortunately, I work in a (medium-sized) company where the role of software testing is highly valued and represents an important part of the development process, both before things go into development and afterward.

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