Would anyone like to help me try and find the cause of a bug?

@kristof discovered an issue where he is unable to dismiss a box trying to get him to mark an answer as a solution Bug: Can't click the X on 'Has your question been answered'. I’m trying to replicate it so I can see the box myself, and try to make it dismissable. To that end, I’m asking a question and I need some responses. Who’d like to respond and hopefully let me be able to solve the issue?


Hi Andrew, I’m getting the same as Kristof. Can’t dismiss and the rendering is off. I think it is possibly because the 'has your question been answered box is behind the slider so can’t have focus.
What do you need me to do?


Hi Ady and thanks for the response. I’m trying to get the box to appear myself, but I’m not sure of the trigger. Maybe it needs a few responses?


I’ll help
Now I guess you have to wait a bit :smiley:


You need a topic with at least one resonse I guess. So not sure why you are not seeing it. Maybe something different in your ‘admin’ settings? I’m adding this and another so you have more replies.


Extra response one lsdjfldjlkfj

1 Like

Reply to reply Extra response two

1 Like

I found the documentation as to when the reminder will show Discourse Solved - Plugin - Discourse Meta
It looks like I have to wait a week though.

It does document how to hide the reminder, so I could do that now if it is too annoying, then come back to it later when this topic should have met the requirements for the reminder.


Thanks to @adystokes helping out, I believe I have fixed this. I’ve added css to bring the box to in front of the date slider. I decided not seeing the slider was the least bad option, since at least now the box should be dismissable.