30 Days of Automation in Testing Day 20: Find a visual way of representing your automated checks

In my project, we’re using the SFDIPOT to create a new story mind map for the manual and the automation QAs to see the checks and the impacts of the new story. All information will be visual in there.


Automated checks: explicit vs implicit

A simple breakdown of automated checks is implicit vs. explicit. Anything you want to specifically check/validate with your test case are explicit checks. Everything else we consider as implicit checks.
Implicit checks can be further broken down into:

  • visible: these are mentioned in your test case
  • hidden: these are not mentioned anywhere and happen “under the surface”

Visualised in a BDD example:


#Day 20: Find a visual way of representing your automated checks
Applitools simplifies the testing flow by capturing and modify images and create visual validation scripts.
Applitools, since already have a baseline image that tells you when the application is ready, you can use it as a more reliable wait method. The SDK tries consistently to take screenshots and compare them. If your slow loading page is ready after one second, the test will continue but if it takes 20 seconds to load it will wait the full amount of time…
We can also use Applitools with Katalon Studio for visual Testing

I have registered to a webinar and got a recording about AppliTools Eyes Visual Testing. I find this tool very interesting as it is useful for GUI tests too (Colour of fonts,pixel comparison,etc).

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The following is a simple workflow of a test suite for a registration form. I wanted to keep the picture super simple and devoid of any text other than steps taken but I’ll provide the legend here, in case its not immediately apparent:

  • Blue Boxes = distinct areas in the flow
  • Decision Diamonds = the assertions / verification steps made in each test script
  • Red Stars = validation conditions (_ex. "If error message shown, return False; else return True)

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We used Xmind to represent the automation framework in our team. Below is an example:


I saw several mentions of Applitools here and elsewhere so I’ve decided to check it out. Here’s a getting started vid from my favorite Selenium guy


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Some tweets from day 20:

I have used Extent Reporting framework in the past to get a visual representation of what test are automated, what tests are not automated, and results of the automated tests. Currently, this framework supports only C# and Java.

You can find a same report representation here: http://extentreports.com/samples/extent.html

My code implementation here: https://github.com/kumarcode/javaAutomationAutoTrader

You can read more about it here: https://qakumar.wordpress.com/2018/07/26/day-20-find-a-visual-way-of-representing-your-automated-checks/

I have used Sahi Pro tool to do Visual UI testing. It requires just 2 API calls
WE have around 80+ critical pages/urls to test which I have automated. Every time new release is made comparison happens with the previous release(Baseline) and reports any discrepancies.

This is great for automation checks:

  • Applitools with Katalon Studio for visual Testing
  • Sahi Pro tool
  • Extent Reporting framework