30 Days of Automation in Testing Day 27: Share all tools, frameworks and libraries currently used in your automation along with why

I would like to share my tools, frameworks, and libraries currently used:

  1. Framework: the framework was implemented by our team depending on Selenium WebDriver in C# language. Because the website is built in C# so we used C# to build our framework
  2. Tools: we used some tools:
  • Nuget: to get libraries automatically in visual studio
  • Postman: support us to get the return from API to test
  • Sonar lint: use for code refactoring
  • TeamCity, Jenkins: CICD tools
  • BrowserStack: run with multi-browser on cloud
  1. Libraries:
  • SikuliX: visual testing, compare images from CANVAS and some elements could not define
  • RestSharp: to work with API
  • DynamicData (built by my team): generate the new valid data automatically

Current tools in use:


  • Katalon (Groovy/Java)
  • Codecept (javascript) --> the justification for this is its the language in use by the Devs
  • Selenium w. Python binding --> the justification is no one else knows Python


  • Katalon
  • FrisbyJS
  • Postman (as need warrants)
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Below are Framework, tools used in my automation project:

  • Framework:
    • The framework has been built based on Selenium Webdriver using Java
  • Tools:
    • Postman: support us to get the return from API to test
    • Sonar lint: use for code refactoring
    • Jenkin
    • Github
    • BrowserStack: run with multi-browser on cloud
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I have been working with Selenium WebDriver with C# and Java for a fair bit of time. Now, I’ve started to work on Selenium WebDriver with Python.

Below are the tools, frameworks and libraries I have used so far.

Nuget: to get libraries in VS
POM with PageFactory
Data drive tests using ExcelDataReader
Test Reporting using ExtentReports
Sikuli for image validations
Unit tests using NUnit, XUnit
RestSharp to work with API
TFS for code repo

Maven dependency injection
POM with PageFactory
Data drive tests using ExcelDataReader
Test Reporting using ExtentReports
Sikuli for image validations
Unit tests using TestNG, JUnit
GitHub for code repo

Custom framework that enables POM and custom method handling
Jenkins: CI/ CD integration
Docker containers for virtualization: Cross browser using Zalenium, SauceLabs
Appium: Multiple mobile device and OS capabilities
Multiple python UnitTest frameworks
Parallel test architecture running on multiple virtual node instances
Test Django framework using StaticLiveServerTestCase

More here: https://qakumar.wordpress.com/category/automation-testing/

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Sahi Pro(FUnctional test automation, Visual UI, Accesibility), OWASP-ZAP(Security), Lighthouse(Performance), Achecker(Accessibility)
Keyword Driven

Adding to this list from Twitter:

For me, there are tools, frameworks which I was worked in automation:

  • Famework: Java with Selenium Webdrivers
  • Tools: IntelliJ, Postman, Sonar lint, Teamcity, Jenkin, Githut, BrowserStack
  • Libaries: SikuliX, RestSharp, …