Big Call For Papers - Day 12 - Learning from others

Welcome to The Big Call For Papers

We’re here to help increase your chances of being selected for one of our 2022 TestBashes.

The final day for editing

With our deadline for Call papers fast approaching we’re hoping that everyone is feeling ready to submit their abstracts or already have got them in. However, there is still some time for reflection and sharing your thoughts and your words with others. Hopefully, you’ve all learnt how collaboration with others can really help an abstract shine and that the feedback you’ve been getting has increased your confidence in what you want to share.

Tomorrow we’ll start encouraging you to get submitting whilst supporting you for those last-minute worries or changes.

Today’s activity - Reviewing other people’s abstracts

A reverse of yesterday’s activity, this time we’re going to learn from other people’s abstracts:

“Review abstracts already added to the Continous Call For Papers and reflect upon what you like in them and what you feel is missing for you. Consider how those reflections might impact your abstract”

Need help? Want feedback?

If you need extra help be sure to:

And we’ll see how we can help.

- Mark, OpsBoss @ Ministry of Testing