Change email address option?

It appears that it’s not possible to change your email address.
Or my browser is not happy with your java/html, the user prefs page only lets one change their profile pic, which is cute, but not change anything else :confused:

Hi Conrad,

To change your email for the Club you need to do it in the “My Account” section of the Dojo (click the graduation hat up the top of the Club beside where you would choose to log out). It will then send an email to the new email address to confirm the change. If you have any problems please let me know :smile:

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Thanks, I normally did not loiter on the DOJO landing page long enough to spot that I can change most things on there. My exploratory tester cred just took a dive :blush:

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:raised_hands: I only realised what the graduate hat did by accident one day so a pair of us in it :joy:

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Hmmmm It’s not working the way I epected. I changed from my Citrix work email to my gmail - and when i click on the university hat, I see my gmail, but still get “The Club” mails sent to my work email address.

Could you direct message me @conrad.braam and I’ll see if I can get to the root of the problem :slight_smile:

Hijacking old thread for a similar issue, hope thats ok. As stated above ‘the user prefs page only lets one change their profile pic’. ‘Name’ is stated as optional but I can’t find a way to remove it, nor through the dojo.

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Hi @asoc

Seems that you noticed a bug/typo on our system which we’ve now fixed. Name is not an optional field. The full name on the Club is pulled from the “name” option in the account section on the Dojo

You can edit this in the account section on the Dojo but it cannot be removed.

Thats all good thanks :slight_smile: