Cypress on a Mac

I have recently started at a company as the only tester on the team. They have been great in giving me free rein to choose a framework.

After doing some research, I thought Cypress would be suitable for maintaining and creating tests over time. But I am stuck most horribly.

My framework is up and running and I have followed the Page Object Model class creation. But the problem is each time I npm run Cypress: Open, the Cypress app freezes or load time takes a long time to respond after clicking on a spec to run.

I am working on a Macbook Pro 13" 2022 M2 16GB, so, in essence, I should not be having any issues.

Please share your tips and tricks with me. I am an experienced Selenium framework automation tester, but as mentioned, I thought this would be the perfect time to learn a new framework.


If you could spare some more info I may be able to help.

  • What version of Cypress do you use?
  • When did it start to freeze? From the beginning?
  • Does it happen when you do npx cypress open and run it visually or only on cypress run?
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Where are you running the npm Cypress: Open from? Is it from a separate terminal window, or from a terminal instance inside your editor such as VS Code?

I ask this because I had a similar issue with where my tests with chromedriver were running horrendously slow. Other browsers were fine. After an afternoon of trying everything, it turned out I’d somehow installed an intel version of VSCode on my M1 Macbook. So when I was running my tests from the VS Code terminal, it was then booting up the intel version of chrome, rather than the M1 version, which for some reason, had severe performance issues.

So it might not be the case here but just a thought, since you’re on an M2 Macbook!!

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Update: This issue has been resolved and my Cypress is back to normal. Having a lot of fun with it. I think it was a version issue for sure.