πŸ€– Day 29: Share whose work is influencing your AI in testing approach

Hi my fellow testers, there have been so many interesting and insightful people & posts throughput this challenge over the last month but I think the top highlights that come to mind are:

The first contributer who comes to mind is @poojitha-chandra whose daily posts have never failed to be insightful and particularly the post on Day 7 πŸ€– Day 7: Research and share prompt engineering techniques - #3 by poojitha-chandra and the suggestions for react prompting and self consistency prompting were ones I never heard of before.

I of course can’t not mention @parwalrahul and his awesome mindmaps! They have been such a great way to display such complex topics.

Lastly a post that I found particularly informative was @joyz post on AI mindmaps πŸ€– Day 6: Explore and share insights on AI testing tools - #45 by joyz, I had no clue that such tools existed and am excited to try some out when I can.

Thank you everyone for your contributions, there has been so much good content of value.