Do you believe BDD scenarios' quality matter?

Have you been practicing BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) lately and believe scenariosā€™ quality matter?

Iā€™m writing my graduate thesis on that subject and would like to invite you all to answer a (really) small 2 questions survey about that topic in here:

If youā€™re willing to spend a little more time to talk to me about that subject, please remember to fill out your contact information there - or comment on this topic here - and I will promptly get in touch :slight_smile: !

Thank you for all the answers so far!

I think I made a mistake on categorizing the post so I moved it to ā€œAll Testing Talkā€

For those of you who havenā€™t participated in that (really) small 2 questions survey about BDD written scenarios quality topic, here follows the link: