Does the MoT Foundation Certificate in Test Automation Include Teaching JS for Beginners?

Does this certification include teaching JavaScript for beginners as part of this certification? Is there any way I can see the syllabus or more detailed breakdown of this course before I commit to paying?

Thank you!


Good question, Iโ€™m not sure. It doesnโ€™t say it requires knowledge of any programming language before hand as a pre-requisite.

Then again, it doesnโ€™t even say that on the Advanced Certification sooo maybe they should add that on the cover page? or at least in the FAQ.

@mwinteringham could probably provide some feedback on your question.



So the course goes through the basics of automation with JavaScript and gives you enough to succeed in that space. The goal is to get you comfortable with automation in the JavaScript ecosystem and not necessarily to teach you every aspect of how JS works.

However, if you want to know more about JavaScript there is my Introduction to JavaScript course on the Dojo, plus a wealth of free JavaScript courses online that you can use as reference when doing the course.

Then again, it doesnโ€™t even say that on the Advanced Certification sooo maybe they should add that on the cover page? or at least in the FAQ.

Just to mention, this course is focused on Strategy and planning and focuses more on the concept of how automation fits into a context than the implementation of automation. Hence no mention of coding skills. Not all who contribute to automation code :slight_smile:


Hi @mwinteringham , thank you for answering my question!
Iโ€™m currently taking your Introduction to JavaScript course, and Iโ€™m finding it very helpful. I like how it is targeted towards testing.

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