"Ei Gude" or "Hello Club" from Frankfurt/Main

Hello Club and like we say here in this region “Ei Gude” similar like Moin Moin from @seasidetesting intro) from Frankfurt (yes, that town with that large airport you might have used, and yes, there is more than the airport) :smiley:

My Name is Alex and I am new to MoT (Club) since I joined my job half a year ago. Our company (MaibornWolff) supports us with community/membership like MoT and I am new to the club and want to introduce myself.

In the past 8 years I have been working on test automation for Androidphones with Robotium + Jenkins but switched over now the last few months in more Integrationtesting API (Postman/Newman + Microservices) and End2End-Testautomation with CypressIO for React Frontend. I was afraid - but it is really cool and great stuff and I like to learn a lot and new hints and shortcuts and would like to exchange in these areas. :slight_smile: I started with software developing as an apprentice back in the days of 1999 and had different jobs until now… Aaanyhow - here I am.

Hope to catch up from time to time and like to mingle with you folks either here or via Social Media (Twitter or LinkedIn) and on my to do list I really still have to write and blog more about testing stuff on my blog.

So stay healthy and hopefully see you :wave: :nerd_face: