Getting started with mobile testing?

There was a post on last week that asked if anyone had any material for someone who was totally new to mobile testing. The person asking the question was looking for blog posts, videos, articles, books that would help someone new to mobile testing.

My first thought was to check Club Posts To Help You Get Started With Software Testing And QA. But looking there I couldn’t find anything specific to mobile testing. I then tried the mobile testing category and couldn’t find anything that specific either.

Some resources suggested:

“Mobile App Testing” book by @dnlknott

What resources would you suggest for someone who is getting started with mobile testing?


Hi Heather,

thanks for mentioning me and my book in the collection :slight_smile: . And also thank you for the links from Piotr, wasn’t aware of them. The collection @pwicherski put together is just awesome.

I can also recommend the following URLs

To get an overview from the main mobile platforms:

Links to get some knowledge about the mobile usage:

I need to check my bookmarks again to find some more gems to share with the community.




No problem Daniel, your book is truly awesome :wink:


Some things i found useful

Podcast:Mobile Testing Pyramid with Kwo Ding from TestTalks

Blog: How To Grow Your Mobile Application Testing Skills

Documentation: I have moved away from ISTQB/ASTQB certification in the last few years
But in all honesty I found their Mobile Testing Documentation useful

Found this useful for OS market share etc.

In relation to Automation, I went with Appium and Saucelabs.

Podcast: Interview with key developer of appium

Podcast: Interview with go daddy tester that decided use the native developer automation testing framework for iOS and Android.


@dnlknott adding your book to my reading list :+1:


This course was recently posted on the Dojo, instructor @dnlknott :muscle:


As I was doing mobile web and native app testing for quite sometime, I started documenting all the useful resources which helped me here - You should find some useful information in this page.

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We’ve recently published ISTQB Mobile Application Testing syllabus, it could be helpful for those starting with the subject :slight_smile:

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Hi Heather,

Another source of information or training material for Mobile Testing would be the ASTQB Mobile Testing Certification Syllabus ( This would provide a high-level overview and some techniques and terminology for Mobile Testing. This might augment or bring together knowledge gained by reading the publications already presented.


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hello Raj, i would like to know the test cases format for mobile testing. I had done several research regarding the same stuff but never found an appropriate material. Pls do share some useful resource for the same.

Thanks in advance


As someone who inherited a load of mobile tests (reading other peoples nicely architect-ed code is not easy), I recently started adding to these tests for mobile, in Python, using Appium.
In order to get my head around the test toolchain, the mechanics problems timing pains and so on, I started from scratch in order to get a good understanding of all the problems that the code others wrote has abstracted away many problems, for myself first hand. Starting with just the basics yields a lot of insights as to why your framework is often slow, and often just plain convoluted.

One thing to look at initially, is too use the appium explorer, and learn how to access mobile elements using selectors. Then to look at Java vs Python, I advise going with whatever languages your team might already be familiar with, in mature environments that might be to use Python; but Java is often more natural if starting with a blank state.

I am using page object model. A lot of my existing tests are written using that model, but one are that still befuzzles me is navigation through a test’s flow, when you have to traverse many pages, and in a specific order. This requires composing multiple pages or steps into easy to use helper functions that run through all the steps for you. We currently use single class to drive a test through dialogs that call each other (like wizards might do) by having each dialog implement a “Next()” method in it’s page-model implementation. The navigation class then just keeps calling the “Next()” function in a list, until it runs out of classes to call. If it fails to get to the end of a list of page-object-classes in the list, the test fails for example. It’s not brilliant and I’d like to employ promise patterns or start making navigating each stage in a test much more declarative somehow.

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ISTQB Mobile Application Testing syllabus new, working, link:

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Wow, thanks for sharing these amazing links.

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