How does GDPR apply to UK Forums

Hi, Was just wondering how GDPR applies to various forums. I am sure like most (as you are on here), I belong to various chat forums, be it testing, sport , news etc. Was wondering how GDPR applies to these as far as emails and personal info is concerned. Anyone know?

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Thank you Aine for being my spellchecker

Fixed it for you, you can delete the correction message if you want! It’s like it never happened.

What am angel!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

Disclaimer: What I’m about to say doesn’t constitute legal or business advice

GDPR will fully apply to the forums and location of the forum doesn’t have much impact in watering down GDPR.

The EU created GDPR as a big stick to hit tech firms like Google and Facebook with, so its’ been designed to target firms using the data of EU citizens where ever it is processed in the world or the firm is located. Having said all this, if a company has no EU presence or the staff/directors never travel to the EU it could be possible to escape the penalties.

GDPR is very broad but some key points in relations to forums are:

  • Right to be forgotten - All your personal identifying information can be scrubbed from the forum
  • You’ll have the right to request a copy of all the information the forum/company holds on you
  • Granular consent on how the data is processed (sending email notifications or newsletters) is likely to be a requirement unless they have another legal basis for doing so.
  • Consent not can be buried in complex terms and conditions documents, the GDPR legislation is very clear on this

Thanks Alan!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.