How is 2016 different from 2024? What Do Software Testers Do?

It’s January the 31st 2016 and @rosie has just published a powerful article:

We surveyed the software testing people and came up with a list!

It’s a great read and I feel the take on what a software tester does still holds for many items covered in the article.

Have a read and share your thoughts.

  • What’s different now compared to 2016?
  • What about quality — continuous quality, quality engineering and quality coaching? Where do they fit in?
  • What else comes to mind?

I don’t think it actually is much different, it’s just the way that we do and approach stuff is different.

I guess one of the biggest changes in the industry is the uprising of AI but that doesn’t change anything towards our perception of a tester. It’s just a new way of doing stuff.

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