MoT Prague meetup 4. 5. 2023

MoT Prague will be hosting another fabulous meetup :heart:

Join us in the SentinelOne offices for lightning talks, open space discussions and a talk about The Line of Code That Crashed a Rocket!


Meetup report!

Many thanks to SentinelOne for hosting our meetup - and especially to Václav Kotyk for being the most amazing organiser, making sure everything runs smoothly. The venue was fabulous and the catering was top of the game - the bar has been set high for our next meetup!
It was a perfectly sized group - about 40 testers and friends of testing. We learned about Monitoring-based Blackbox Performance Testing from Petr Cyhelský (SentinelOne).
A lightning talk by Jan Jaderný (Heureka) with the tongue-in-cheek title Do We Need Testers In Product Development? sparked an intense and engaging discussion. It was very refreshing to hear a developer’s view on testing and quality!
And finally I had an opportunity to give a practice run of my talk The Line of Code That Crashed a Rocket that I’m preparing for the upcoming DevConf conference, and get very helpful feedback from this friendly community.
It was great connecting with fellow testers and friends of testing. Looking forward to our next meetup!


For any Prague/Czech friends in this forum: we now have a LinkedIn group. Feel free to join, connect with fellow testers and friends of testing from the local community and have your say in what will future meetups look like!

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