Partytime🥳 - I'm 15 years into testing

15 years ago started my career as tester.
I was sweet 23

It was training on the job with no bootcamp or so.
The first few years where demanding like my previous apprenticeship. A steep (or flat :wink:) learning curve of the basics.

Finally I found fulfilment in it.

And yes, I heavily relate to Rapid Software Testing while I do not expect others to do it.

I’m glad to have found this community here and being part of it.

Coincidentally I also got my own website up, with my first article.


This doesn’t count as ‘boomer’ right? :smiley:

Congratz! =)
Only 25-30 years to go? :stuck_out_tongue:

Since you just started writing articles, you should do like a timeline of your experience! I suppose that would be interesting to people who are new into testing also :slight_smile:


Yep, I’m Gen (wh)Y. Born '85

Interesting idea. I can copy over my resume, but that is not what you mean?
I shall explain more concrete experiences?
The things is that I can not remember well when I learned what. Still I can share the lessons I learned.


Yea, not just copy your resume :smiley:
But also what you’ve learned on the sides and went to X conference and small takeaways etc