Pick a tool you’ve never used, to evaluate during the 30 days of tools – 30 Days of Tools, Day 4

Hi from Day 4 of the 30 Days of Tools challenge. Now’s a good time to decide on a tool to explore this month.

Pick a tool you’ve never used, to evaluate during 30 Days of Tools

  • Select a tool and share with at least one other person what tool you’ve selected
  • Perhaps this is a tool you’ve been meaning to try for some time or maybe one you’ve just discovered
  • If you get stuck, spin a wheel of tools and let the wheel decide for you!

Some helpful resources:

Here are some tool lists you can take a look at to identify some potential tools:

Feel free to reply to this post and share wherever you like, on the MoT Slack, LinkedIn, Twitter using #30DaysOfTools, Racket, your blog, with your team and any place you feel might inspire yourself and others to do the same. Let’s learn from each other throughout October. Visit the 30 Days of Tools page and select the “Subscribe to Topic” button to receive each daily challenge direct to your inbox.


I’ve picked “Sherlock” a tool which I recently found to hunt down social media accounts, to do some social engineering :stuck_out_tongue:

=> GitHub - sherlock-project/sherlock: 🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks

And since I’ve been slacking a bit these challenges (and these are 2 small tools) I’ll pick another tool “jwt_tool” from ticarpi
To test the JWT tokens.

=> GitHub - ticarpi/jwt_tool: A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens


Day 4

I spun the wheel!

First I got Pagetest which, I couldn’t find through a Google search, so I spun again.

Second time I got cURL !

Which is cool, because I’ve used cURL before, but I don’t really know how to use cURL.

Most of the time I ‘copy cURL command’ from Chrome Dev Tools and paste it without thinking.

Here’s cURL in my 10 minute exploration:

curl http://example.com

will run a GET request against example.comBut there’s parameters you can use to do more powerful stuff.
-X to specify the type of request
-H to specify headers
-d to specify the payload
So something like

curl -X “POST” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ’{“username”:“test”,“password”:“test”} http://example.com

There’s also a couple of neat variables like
-v to spit out verbose information (all the headers and everything
-w to write a particular piece of information, such as

curl -w “%{http_code}”

Will print out just the HTTP status code
-o to output to a file

All that will be useful stuff next time I use cURL!


I’d never heard of Bug Magnet, going to give that a go. (Also going to check back in with the WAVE accessibility tool.)


Span the wheel… Mockeroo… never heard of it before yet it looks perfect for my needs, feels like a win!


Okay, so I’ve decided to spin the Wheel of (Tool) Fortune :smiley:

And I got the Wave - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool. I used it around 4 years ago, to do some accessibility testing on a e-earning platform I was working on at the time.

So I spun the wheel again and this time I got AllPairs - I tool I have not used before. It’s a scripted tool by James Bach, and as the description says:

Allpairs.pl is a Perl script that constructs a reasonably small set of test cases that include all pairings of each value of each of a set of parameters. Actually, I don’t know if I’m saying that right. Let me show you. If you have two parameters you want to cover in a set of tests, say, printer and operating system

This tools reminded me of the Be Wise, Do Pairwise course (by Venkat Ramakrishnan) as it’s based on all-pairs testing or pairwise testing - a combinatorial method of software testing that, for each pair of input parameters to a system (typically, a software algorithm), tests all possible discrete combinations of those parameters. Using carefully chosen test vectors, this can be done much faster than an exhaustive search of all combinations of all parameters, by “parallelizing” the tests of parameter pairs.

All in all, a tool using the above mentioned technique could be very useful in a situation where you are required to write test cases covering several possible combinations.


Pick a tool you’ve never used, to evaluate during 30 Days of Tools

I’m going to go with Stryker.

I’ve been on a unit/component testing binge lately, investigating ways to evaluate/improve/report on code coverage with SonarQube, using RTL. I feel like Stryker is going to compliment that deep-dive nicely.

Shifting left babyyy!


Ok I span the wheel and it has told me to try cURL


I am going to try Mockintosh (https://mockintosh.io/). The idea of ‘service virtualization’ is interesting to me as we are in the process of breaking out monolithic projects into microservices.


The wheel told me error404. Let’s see where it will leads me to.


I span the wheel and it gives me # ratproxy


Today’s live stream saw @friendlytester dig into Days 2, 3, and 4. Enjoy!


The wheel decided “Mockaroo”. Never tried it, but it looks really cool.


Really tough one for me, I don’t work anywhere near high enough in the OSI stack for most of these tools. I’m not certain that there are any embedded tools I’ve not tried.

Instead I went with Oh-My-Posh, a sort of port of OhMyZsh for Powershell. I wasn’t impressed overall. There were issues loading the fonts I needed for the symbols which make the git integration useful. It was a lot more hassle than installing OhMyZsh is and I was busy so I never actually got to spend time enough to make it work properly.


The weel told me Simply Testable but I cannot access to the website… :rage:

So I choose SUCURI a free website security check & malware scanner.


I’m going to use WAVE (the extension)

Lets see how we get on.


Better a day late than not at all, but I’m going to teach myself Selenium.

I recorded a Racket about why I am, available at 30 Days of Tools: (Day 4) Learning Selenium | Racket


I spun the wheel and got Mockaroo. Which is a great tool I used in the past for my mock data needs.

I spun a second time and got Page Test which I couldn’t find on Google.

Third time was a charm - I got Diffy. I haven’t used it but the demo looked promising. I like that it can sign in as different users and check the display outcomes based on their settings.


I didn’t spin the wheel, and this isn’t truly a ‘new’ tool, but I’m going to try to spend some time on the new Fiddler. I’ve been holding back because I’m used to Fiddler v5 (Classic) but time to break out of the comfort zone and see what it can do.


I started to use Vysor. It is a great tool when you want to share your screen with a tablet or mobile phone through the computer. It is easy to use. https://www.vysor.io/