Seeking recommendations πŸ€”

  1. I’m looking for regular meetups for QA enthusiasts. Nothing fancy just gatherings where I can lend my expertise to further the development of the QA industry and community - whether as a visitor, committee member, or speaker (preferably in Europe for the time being).
  2. Also, I’m interested in exploring opportunities where QA professionals can serve as mentors or consultants - particularly (in English-speaking) startup environments (obviously part-time, remote, and very flexible).
  3. Lastly, I’m curious about any noteworthy QA awards out there. Not necessarily grandiose events like EuroStar, where individual contributions often go unnoticed :trophy:

I still am going to suggest going to at last one event in person to bootstrap this. Ever since communities moved online in 2020 it has required more work to get in on the many networks that exist. I assume you looked on, because that’s commonly used and still used for QA meetups near me, that, although far less frequently, do still happen in person.


What @conrad.braam writes.

Just in case you are near Munich, here is an interesting event in a few weeks :wink:

or the TestBustersNights from Rudolf Groetz 53rd. TestBustersNight brought to you by ALPENHOST | LinkedIn

Or why not start or try to initiate a small local tech get together in your area? :slight_smile: