What actual coding will be done in the test automation certificate courses?

I am looking at the test automation certification courses on MoT (example: MoT Intermediate Certificate in Test Automation | Ministry of Testing)

In the description, a number of IDEs are mentioned. Am i correct in assuming that the actual coursework is language agnostic, ie. i don’t need to either know or learn Java or CSharp to complete the certification? Just want to make sure. The phrasing is:

Notably, the practices and approaches covered in the certifications apply to any set-up or tools. Good automation comes from applying these practices to the tools that work best in a specific context. However, the IDEs and frameworks used are as follows:

  • Java: IDE is IntelliJ. Frameworks are JUnit, RestAssured and Selenium-WebDriver.
  • CSharp: IDE is Visual Studio Code. Frameworks are NUnit, RestAssured and Selenium-WebDriver.
  • JavaScript: IDE is Visual Studio Code. Frameworks are Jest, React-Testing-Library and WebDriverIO

As I understand it, there are 3 versions of the certificate, one for each of the languages. So you should only need to use the language related to the version of the course you are taking.

Some of the language and videos as part of the course, are shared among the 3 versions of the certificate. So you may notice overlap, where another language is referred to, do all 3. You should be able to follow along using only one of the three.

@sarahdeery should be able to confirm :crossed_fingers:


thanks! that makes sense :+1:

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@fullsnacktester is correct! There are three distinct certification courses:

  1. MoT Foundation Certificate in Test Automation
  2. MoT Intermediate Certificate in Test Automation
  3. MoT Advanced Certificate in Test Automation

They all cover different topics within Test Automation and build upon one another. You can see all the details of what is covered in each course in the Curriculum here:
Automation Curriculum Paths - Foundation_Intermediate_Advanced.pdf (265.8 KB)

The foundation and intermediate courses can be taken in either Java, CSharp, or JavaScript; you can choose the version/language you prefer upon purchase. The advanced one is language agnostic and about identifying and applying your test automation strategy

Hope that helps!


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