What challenges would you like to see MoT host?

Super inspired by the activities captured in this post:

What other challenges would you find interesting? How might they work? What challenges could MoT host/run to help with your learning goals in 2024?

We’ve got plenty of plans for learning and connection in 2024. I’m curious to explore ideas and see how we might incorporate them into our schedule for 2024. :thinking:

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I’d love to see challenges that closely match interview pairing /whiteboard and “take home” tests. For exploration and automation.

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The advent of code challenges are super difficult - so nothing like that please.

However, I would love to see some programming challenges focused towards test automation. Maybe Mark could add some interesting and unusual elements to the Restful Booker website (https://automationintesting.online/) , and we have to try to create a test that interacts with it (iframes are an interesting one for UI Automation).

Could even have exploratory testing challenges where there is an interesting bug introduced with some unusual steps and you have to find the exact steps to reproduce.

I recall some challenges that were setup a few years ago - automation week or something like that? I remember finding those interesting and fun. Took me ages to setup a UI automated test to select a date on the restful booker website. That was a difficult one.

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That’s right, @lgibbs.

Folks can find them at: Explore all our Software Testing Challenges | Ministry of Testing

The pages and design need a bit of attention yet for now they are a good way for folks to get their brain working in various ways.

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Those automation challenges were fun - I wish I’d had more time to spend with the refactoring-on-the-fly challenge I presented.

I’d love to do something similar some time.