What Conferences will you go to this year?

The year is almost over but there are still some really nice Conferences until Santa comes. Which ones are on your list? Would love to see some of you either in person or even chat more online.


Besides TestBash this is on my list

  • APISEC|CON (already passed)
  • PANCAKE CON (already passed)
  • Agile Testing Days
  • Priv Con
  • Black Hat EU

As a dev and speaker (so I don’t go to much unless I’m speaking), I’m probably a bit different from most here, but:

I’ll be going to Code BEAM Europe (Berlin, October) and Heapcon (Belgrade, November). Nothing else definite this year or next, but as usual I’m waiting to hear back from a bunch more about whether my submissions were accepted.

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Just the one where I’ll be going to as a speaker: https://www.networkkonferencija.ba/en/2024
I like this one as it takes place on the Adriatic coast, which is really dope in autumn.

For the next year, I’m hoping to attend many more, but we’ll see.

I’m going to attend Cypress Conf 2024

Update: planned so far for next year are DevDays Europe (https://devdays.lt, colocated with DevOpsPro and CyberWiseCon), and Voxxed Days CERN (https://cern.voxxeddays.com/) – at which I’ll probably be doing two talks, and the definite one is THE OPENING KEYNOTE!

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