Hey! Which tasks would you give to AI in order to become more effective and work faster?
Is there an AI that can do the supporting docs for my performance/growth reviews yet? If there is, I’m in…
Any for which machine learning is the appropriate tool for.
And only if all participants are paid a fair wage.
Which did not happened at ChatGPT and I don’t expect it for others.
If I had to write a lot of tests I’d gladly hand that over to the AI to handle.
A former colleague of mine just wrote his objectives for the year with chatgpt
I see it as potentially useful for stimulating ideas (e.g. “rubber-ducking” or as a brainstorming aid). I’ve also had some success with it for working on obscure tasks that are hard to find good answers on StackOverflow for (e.g. getting some patterns to use for an XSLT stylesheet, but requiring significant edits/cleanup to be readable and actually do exactly what I wanted).
What I would not use it for is anything where you’re not already an expert to be able to check its output (or for that matter, anything where you expect to use its final output directly). While it can often be quite convincing, at the end of the day it’s just a “large language model” (LLM), so all it’s doing is drawing on a vast amount of training data to determine what word is the best fit to put after the previous word, based on your inputs. It isn’t doing any actual reasoning, fact-checking, or remembering, but that process lends itself to the answers sounding quite authoritative. To use a term a colleague coined, it’s a “botsplainer”.
Oh, and it’s kind of fun to use as a text adventure game, if you’re OK with no definite end goal, it being very hard for your character to die, occasionally having to remind it of items you had in your inventory, and having it often fill in the interesting sequences for you instead of letting you make decisions and take actions.
I will ask “AI” to go for automatic test generation.
I have analyzed a few but not been getting good AI
Do repetitive and boring tasks like creating Page Objects. It should at least find reliable locators and make page elements from them. I can create the page functions myself. In the near term, I doubt if AI will be smart enough to do the page functions.
Attend meetings ?
< onClickEvent >
DerekBot: not sure BRB
< fireEvent ozzy.gif >