Hi all,
If you are trying to learn Test Automation, and struggling, I might have a thing that can help…
I’ve put together an eBook with my personal approach to how to learn Test Automation quickly and effectively - it shows not only what you will need to learn, but why, and in what order.
I’ve been using this strategy for years with my corporate clients, and it works really well - so I thought it was worth sharing with the broader community!
You can grab the document here: Test Automation Made Easy
best differs for everyone. I started my coding journey in Cobol, it’s not for everyone, before that I was self-teaching using MASM and EDLIN, which really did suck as a way to learn to code. I am so glad youtube tutorials never existed back then. I would have gone nuts. By the time I decided to become a test automation engineer I had a dozen languages under my belt already and experience in the one thing that does count. Big picture thinking. Often I have had to switch programming languages, and often I have had to build my own test tools. The way people learn has not changed for centuries, but the way we teach has, teaching has become commodified and score based. I think it was competition between English universities that introduced the idea of exams as an attempt to make comparisons as well as more money. So it’s no wonder free youtube tutorials abound today.
In the last few years I have learned a few non-software skills, and a common thread to learning skills ranging from singing, to tree felling; is to find and pay a trainer who can give you their time. That’s how learning works, and has done for centuries, just look at all the beautiful buildings, machines and furniture around us. Knowing a really wide variety of tools, when a tool is right or wrong, and then how to apply it and when to switch tools - much like switching strategies rapidly is so critical to success in ever changing stakes production environments. Learn confidence in self and your abilities. Having an expert guide your hand as the chisel bites into the material is invaluable.