What's your go to API testing tool

APIDog works great as a Postman Alternative.

  • You can self-host (with the self-host version)
  • Integrates the whole workflow, from API Designing, Debugging, Testing, API Mocking, and Documenting the APIs.
  • With a clean UI
  • Really good documentation to get started

Good to know. I might check this out if our workaround of using an old Postman version (before the scratch pad issue) stops working.

Old Postman is a great API testing tool. We used to work with SoapUI, but the license is expensive and tests required a programming language nobody really knew. It was more for exploratory testing and could only be used by one person. Switching to Postman was really worth it. Now everybody could work on it, we could automate with it and the languages used were the same ones as in our product.

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Hey folks, i recently created an API testing tool with integrated mock services specifically catering to QA folks for API testing needs. It would be great if someone can give some feedback on this and love to hear from you guys if this is something i should spend any time further :slight_smile:

I see a lot of people were switching to Bruno recently because they are disappointed by what Postman did.
It is open source, has desktop app, cli and VS Code extension, Git support.


We use Postman as it is a tool that all the devs and testers know well, in a language - javascript - that everyone in the team understands. However it’s UI and variable model doesn’t lend easily to modular code for the kinds of tests I like to write, so I am considering just using a straight framework i.e. RestAssured or even Cypress instead.

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Oh wow, last time I checked was 2 months ago and it seems that the development really took of on a rocket.

It’s a proven thing in history. Last in line: Postman’s downfall is Bruno’s salvation!

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Ooops, only found this topic now :slight_smile:

I would not say I have a favourite API testing tool. I use what is already on the project, or if I’m starting anew, I use whatever suits best for the needs of the team.

I love(d) Postman for quick API exploration, but contrary to other posters, I would not consider it a good automation tool - don’t get me wrong, I have close to 200 tests in Postman collections but when you need to work with git and CI, it is not an ideal choice.

I also loved Puppeteer, however I think Playwright is gaining advantage over it.

Chai is my library of choice for asserting API response.

For quickly checking regexes, I use https://regexr.com/.

In my rudimentary TypeScript Test Framework, I use Jest with supertest and chai.

For modelling JSON requests and responses to my TypeScript data, I use JSON to TS converter.

VSCode Snippets are also great help for quickly setting up tests and loops.

Last but not least, this forum is also a great API testing tool :slight_smile: Learned great deal of new things and tools.


Currently using Thunder Client for anything I would have used Postman for previously.

Using Karate Labs for any automation and really loving it! Super easy to do complex assertions or loop requests until desired state etc.


Are you using free version of Thunder Client? I see they have the same limit (30) for running monthly collections as Postman.

Yea I see that limitation for local runs as well. I stopped using collection runner in favour of using Karate so didn’t notice :frowning:

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Fun fact: I’ve been training the actual karate for 20 years so whenever I see a software tool named Karate, my inner self screams in agonising pain:


I use Postman, mainly because it has team buy in, not that happy though with the recent limitations to the test runner.

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My team uses postman but I prefer doing things a bit manually using supertest JS.
It allows me to get only necessary fields in a large list of results.
But wait, can you do that in postman too?
Btw these days we’re writing API tests in Playwright. In one of my github projects I’ve implemented some basic ones.

In my rudimentary TypeScript Test Framework, I use Jest with supertest and chai.

I was thinking of migrating my Webdriver IO project to typescript and then use some additional tools for API requests. Since I already have experience with SuperTest I can make use of such a combination.


I most definitely support migration to TypeScript, it gives you much more power and control of your test data as well as all the objects that you create, like HTTP Requests and Responses.

Just consider carefully if WebdriverIO is the right tool for API requests. It is browser/UI-oriented, like Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer and others.

I chose Jest cause:

  • devs are using it and can jump in and help at any time
  • we do not have any UI, just API tests which is much easier

Tradeoff we had to deal with was the fact that Jest is not fully fledged Test Framework, running multiple suites with global setup/teardown and reporting can be challenging to set up.


I already have API tests implemented in playwright and they work like a charm.
I’m webdriver IO for appium automation so I needed some API calls for basic teardown operations.


I have been using Rest Assure and Postman all through.

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Hi there,

Nowadays my default API testing tool would be Apidog. Although pretty new, I think its clean and simple user interface really supports learning a new environment, and I love that it has satisfied all my needs for everything API related.

However, I do hear a lot of other popular alternatives, like Hoppscotch, Bruno, and Insomnia. If you need help, I am confident that a strong community is ready to help you.

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Postman, Burp Suite, CURL (tools are not related to automation)