Ask Me Anything: Quality Engineering

For our third “Ask Me Anything” of 2018, we had the very talented Anne-Marie Charrett.

If we didn’t get to your question, why not ask it here? Maybe you’re catching up on the Dojo and have thought of some follow up questions to ones Anne-Marie answered in the AMA.

We have a few posts on the Club about quality, one of my favourites is Nurturing a Quality Focused Approach in a Team of Developers. Maybe after the Ask Me Anything, you have some new ideas of how to help out the original asker of that question.


Can anyone provide a link to the work Catherine Karena is doing? I also missed something along those line with Anne-Marie … something volunteering - apologies I was busy writing and looking up things.

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Some resources from tonights AMA:

Metrics of course did come up! @simon_tomes and Anne-Marie referenced a previous AMA with @trishkhoo Simon also remembered this soon after the AMA.

@constancehermit was referenced when the discussion turned to creativity and staying relevant

Risks, of course risks were mentioned! Luckily we shared this video just today

And a Club post Risk Based Software Testing Resources.

Coaching was also mentioned as Quality Engineering is linked with aspects of coaching Ask Me Anything: Coaching.

@melthetester also mentioned how experimenting with job titles can change how people on the team view you. This reminded me of a talk @martin.hynie gave

Anne-Marie also referenced The State of DevOps 2016 a few times during the AMA.


I have Catherines twitter and one that Kim Engel shared


I had a question. I have been observing that job posts these days mention that the applicant should have experience working in Agile teams and should be able to write Test Plans and Test strategies. The previous couple of companies which I was a part of followed agile but we never had any specific Test Plan/Strategy document. We used to adhere to the acceptance criteria of the user story and stick to the ‘Definition of Done’. What would an agile Test Plan/Strategy consist of and look like?


ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS)

For the ISO 27001 you need specific security system / plans / strategies / policy … , what is her the role from the testing site and how i can prepare for this. Any tip would help.

The video is now live :slight_smile: