Best tools and approach to automate the test on a windows based client server application in both GUI and in functional front

Hey team,

Hope you are doing good.

As a company we are practicing manual testing as of now.
We want it to be migrated to automation.
So, Kindly provide me a list of tools and approach to automate the test on a windows based client server application in both GUI and in functional front.

Thanks and regards,

To best answer your question it would be handy to provide a bit more context:

  • Is your company willing to spend money or is open source preferable?
  • What programming languages are currently used in your company? It is always a plus (not a necessity) if your test automation framework uses the same scripting language as used already.
  • Do you only want to interact with the front-end of the application or is back-end/server/database poking needed?
  • How are the system requirements written? If it is BDD style then I definitely recommend a Cucumber based framework

I would suggest WinAppDriver, created by MS with the same format as WebDriver, so very easy to use.

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They are very new to automation and we are in tool selection phase so as much as details provided by respected testers like you will be useful.
It is a startup so system requirements are not in use-case or story format.
I want to start poking with only GUI and front end and later move on to back end automation too.
Our application is a .net based application.
Let me know if further details are needed.

Thanks Richard,
I will look into it.

Then definitely @friendlytester’s suggestion is a good starting point (unless you’ve got windows machines that are not Win10).
Check out specflow to write your test cases/requirements.

What we are using is a Python based framework called PyWinAuto in combination with Behave

Hey Peet,

Can you guide me through environemnt setup of pywinauto,behave in pycharm or any other IDE.
I am really interested to learn that.

Dhinadhayalan R