Bloggers Club April 2021: The Essential Skills for Testing

For the month of April, I thought we could keep the Bloggers Club focused on essential skills that anyone participating in testing should have or work on:

The Essential Skills for Testing

The deadline to submit blogs on this topic is the 30th April. Perhaps you could find inspiration from Lesson 7 - Activity 2 - What skills and knowledge does a tester need? or Name your 3 top testing skills. ONLY 3, you can do it.

If you RSVP below, you’ll get reminders about the deadline to submit helping you to set and manage your goal :wink: I’d love to know if you find this RSVP feature helpful?

The blog can be as short or as long as you want it to be.

How to get involved?

  • Write a blog on the above topic before April 30th :writing_hand:
  • Share a link to the blog here :eyes:
  • Receive lots of love from the community :heart:
  • Maybe even get a shout out from the Ministry of Testing Twitter account :wink:

Here’s my humble contribution:


Here’s mine!


I wrote about “Imagination” on March 30 th. Snap - that would have been a good fit :slight_smile:


I have interviewed many testers and I also failed some time to judge some of them and below are my learning in Priority

  1. Person should have right attitude
  2. Should have capability to listen and learn
  3. Having some background in whatever filed tester is going to test

Just wrote my blog post for this month :slight_smile: