Time: 30 Minutes
Introduction: We now have a knowledge of how our systems work by modelling how they are architected/connected. Now we want to use that knowledge to help set out a path for identifying risks that we want to build automated checks for.
Purpose: This activity is designed to both help you better understand how visual task analysis works as well as giving you a better appreciation of the complexity that exists in system behaviour. By being able to break down the system flow into smaller, atomic triggers, you can begin to identify new risks and candidates for checks.
Round 1:
Open up the partially completed VTA found here and make a copy of it. Complete the VTA by adding in the flow of sending a contact message. Add in each trigger into the VTA and assign the descriptions at the bottom to each trigger.
Round 2:
Create a VTA for the system flow that has been assigned to you by your instructor. Share it on this thread once completed.