Cheesy tester from Strasbourg, France

Hello all,

It usually makes me uncomfortable to introduce myself but I will make an effort.

I got bitten by the testing bug almost by accident, in 2012, when I was tricked into testing during an internship. Loved it so much that I decided to stick around! But my ultimate goal was automated testing, and technical testing - so I worked for 3 years as a developer in critical banking systems before coming back to testing. Turned out, it was a good idea, and I had really become better after that development experience.

In 2013 (after one year of working full time as a tester), I got ISTQB certified because many companies asked for it. And recently, I became certified at the advanced level. Certifications are no guarantee that you are good at testing, really - but doing it through self learning gave me a strong incentive to learn new things by myself, well beyond the certification scope.

I led a workshop in Copenhagen last year, all in English, at the DSTB 2017 conference. In October I will give another talk at the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing, in Paris.

By the way, I am french, and my name is almost impossible to pronounce for people who are not speaking french (Florence ROLLAND-SOULIER). English is my second language, but I use it daily and hope not to make too many silly mistakes!

Right now I work as a consultant in test automation and technical testing, mainly in banking. This month another adventure begings: going freelance to stop relying on a consulting company that does not want to invest in continuing education.

That is all for now - thank you all for being such a great community! It was a joy to find this forum and feel connected to so many great people around the world.


Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

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one of the nicest introduction that I ever read from a tester , wish you all good luck :blush:

Bienvenue et Vive la France. And good luck as a freelancer, we are more and more, but not a lot in France :slight_smile:

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Oh I know who you are! I read your blog :slight_smile:
To a future meetup in Lyon!

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We currently looking for speakers. When are you available ? :wink:

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Nice intro, Florence!
It’s pretty funny to see a Strasbourgeoise here, as I actually come from there :wink: (even if I don’t live there anymore, I live in Niort now).
Have you been there for a while now?

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Hello Felix, thank you for your nice reply!
I settled in Strasbourg in 2013, and lived in many cities before (my parents used to move a lot, every two years or so when I was younger - to name a few, I lived in Paris, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon…).
Please tell me that you miss the city - isn’t Strasbourg a charming place to live?

Well I don’t miss Strasbourg that much because I’ve found a place here, but I really enjoy when I go back there to see my parents :slight_smile:
However, I do really miss the tartes flambées and the white wine, ahahah.