Getting a job in Scotland as a junior QA Software Engineer

Hello everyone! I am new here but I am grateful to join this opportunity.
Could anyone please provide me some advices for getting a job in Scotland for a junior QA Software Engineer position? I have over 1 year of experience in manual and automation testing. What should I expect?
Thank you so much for your interest, I really appreciate it!


Hello Alina, welcome to The Club, and welcome to Scotland! I moved from the Netherlands to Scotland in 2005, and am still loving it here :blush:.
Not sure where you are in Scotland, but I know there is good demand for software testers in the central belt (Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow). Also Aberdeen has got a vibrant IT scene.

I think the key is to find a recruitment agency here that specialises in QA roles. Here are some I worked with in the past:

  • Bright Purple ; contacts Craig Bradley or Magnus Wikström
  • CathCart; no current contact
  • Reach out to Erin Donnelly. She used to work for CatCart, and is active in the Ministry of Testing community.

If you are in the Edinburgh area, Ministry of Testing organises regular MeetUps there.
Worth attending those if you have a chance


Good luck with your job hunt!


Welcome, @alinapatriche. :wave:t2:

I’ve shared your request in today’s weekly newsletter. Look for item 7 in the “Join the conversation” section.

Great shout about @erindonnelly there, @pmichielsen.

If not on your radar, check out the following conversations:

Good luck in your adventures to find a job in Scotland. And keep us posted, the community is here to help.