Lee Marshal started up a google hangout recently, and he and I have been chatting together and with other testers in there. Come and join us if you like -
This is still great, love being able to chat with and support the wonderful humans who show their beautiful faces!
This is where I have found my sanity during this lockdown!!
This hangout has been amazing, such a friendly supportive community! Join us.
oooo is this a daily thing or random? I’ve been going to the coffee ops meet up every couple of weeks but I’m a lone tester now and need me some networking.
Random, but generally people around 9-5 UK time.
If it is empty, chuck out a message on here or Twitter, and also stay in, as it’s one of those things where if the room is empty, people don’t stay, but soon as 2 people are chatting, others randomly appear and decide to stay.
Also, @sheymouse made a bit.ly link for it, which is tidier and easier to remember/paste - http://bit.ly/testerhangout
Awesome, Thank you
I often jump on after meetings to decompress before switching context. Really helps me cheer up and refocus to have that friendly human contact outside of my team at work!
I’m probably not going to be on with any regularity for the next week or so, but I’m normally on most of the day during office hours. I cannot wait to be back on hangouts with @undevelopedbruce @ThePirateTester @fullsnacktester @christovskia et al.
We love you, Shey! Just the one moment when I did get to see your face this week will tide me over until you’re back xD But only just!
I echo the sentiment of the legend
There can be a problem sometimes when the only person in the Hangout accesses it with a corporate g-suite account and it locks the rest of us out though
A very frustrating"feature"
Have made a calendar invite to block out Friday afternoons to join, will probably bring beer.
Will definitely bring pictures of a real-life warming fireplace if beer stocks do run out.
Was great to catch-up with you today on the hangout! If you join and no one is on, hand around a little while and Tweet or post here as some of us check periodically throughout the day.
The googz hangout is now open.
I joined this Friday afternoon and had a great time. Really cheered me up. Thanks guys! Stay Awesome <3
Is the link still correct? It’s lonesome in here.
Sorry buddy didn’t make it this week. Been a busy Friday!
The root url seems to change. However HTTP://bit.ly/testerhangout seems to work all the time and redirect correctly.