Hi there from Michigan!

Hi :wave:

My name is Dana.

I’ve been a tester since the start of January, I’m starting my career as a Quality Assurance Engineer just now. I’m excited to learn!

I joined Ministry of Testing to learn more about the specifics since I’ve been in quality assurance before but not as much of a technical level.


Hi @dbushbaker,

Welcome to the community. It’s great to have you here. While I’m super biased, it’s an excellent community on The Club. Lots of folks are open to helping out and they often share their experiences and ask clarifying questions.

Feel free to ask anything in the Questions category.

Is there something you’re working on or learning that you’re excited about? Has a particular topic piqued your interest?


Welcome to the most awesome testing community on the planet Dana. You say you are in Michigan, is it true you can still get unleaded gas there?

Those may be famous last words, this place is very much about being a practical test practitioner. I hope we can be part of your journey to that career goal. Best wishes from Cambridge (the original one).


There is still unleaded gas here. Thanks for the welcome. I had no idea other places didn’t have unleaded gas!!

I was joking about the gasoline. A lot of the internet is mean and seems to think Michigan is too good for them, so do tell us something awesome about Michigan and what keeps you there.

On a more serious note, you want to check out this website https://testautomationu.applitools.com/ loads of free practical courses. And after a bit of that, then you also want to click on the Ninja and choose “Learn”, where the ministry have recorded thousands of live events which you can watch if you get your boss to pay and subscribe you to the MOT Pro offering.