Thought this was one worth sharing - again, the conversation started on Twitter, migrated to LinkedIn and I’ve gathered some of the responses. Some interesting points - even more interesting discussions had!
No bullying in Agile teams between colleagues and peers. That there is respect for people even if you don’t agree with someone’s opinion. - Stuart Cunningham
“Creating a non-shameful community of practice for education within software development teams - teaching people about all the different elements of testing in ways that suit them and add to the overall quality of the product” - Amy Newton
“…not doing bad things because they make more bad things” - Elizabeth Fiennes
“good team health, mental wellness, and support.” - Steph Jenkins
“Better quality with faster solutions.” - Haritha Hari
“Pragmatic engineering tempered with creativity.” - Jerry Durant
“… always asking yourself if the child you were would respect the adult you’ve become.” - Jeff Nyman
“Accessibility” - Christopher Sterling
“Open source testing, my former homeless youth clients, community building, and helping testers get tools to succeed. Oh, and ice cream for dinner when possible.” - Tristan Lombard
“celebrating success and learning from failure. Can’t win 'em all.” - Daniel Sanchez
“Those that feel they can not advocate for themselves” - Aj Wilson
“Provide value to our customers.” - Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Ali Ebrahem
“…a new position. And hospital patients.” - Beverly Doolittle
“Users” - Deepak Koul
So the question is, what do you advocate for?