Introduce yourself


The question now is: What are you going to do about it? :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello ,

Thank you for the link and the support from you. I have added the blog in that section.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

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I’m starting my first course here in the quest to do a bit of a career switch from being an operations analyst in the defense industry to a tester/qa analyst. I’m hoping the courses will help me figure out if it is a good fit for me. And I’m excited to learn!


Welcome @hmac there are plenty of people who changed careers and moved to software testing - I used to be a history student in college and went to art high school. Just tackle one topic at a time while learning, try to apply what you learn and make a long term learning plan.

If you ever have any questions, or want to have a testing discussion, the Club is the right place to be! :sunglasses:


Hello all,

Looking to learn more about best practices, building a portfolio, and testing software - automation specifically.



Welcome to MoT @ouronlyplanb !!

You arrived at the perfect place for that! :slight_smile:
What kind of automation are you into? / What kind of QA/testing do you do atm?

Kind regards

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Hi everyone! Some of you here already know me as one of the EditorBosses for MoT’s Dojo articles.

While I’m primarily an editor and a writer these days, I spent 10-plus years as a fulltime software tester in highly regulated and SaaS environments. Editing articles for the Dojo helps me keep a couple of toes in the testing world. And I get to know some of the good folks here a little bit better, too.

And as many of you know as well, you never stop being a tester… in fact most of us are already “testers” in spirit long before we take our first paid gig doing so.


Hi Everyone!

I have been requested to do this course by management as this is my first testing role ever! I do not possess any background in software but it has always been a passion of mine. Add that to the possibility of helping make software products even better, it definitely is great match for me ! Super excited to be doing this course :smiley:


Welcome to MoT @rogerbmlsoares ! :slight_smile:

If you need anything let us know! What did you do before your new testing job?


There are plenty of testers on here with no previous background in software; indeed, I got my current role in part because I didn’t have a traditional IT background, but rather a varied business background which gives me a perspective that my colleague testers don’t have. The strength of the testing community comes from the mix of talents and experiences we all bring to the table.


I was working in Sales! A big change but nevertheless one that is worthwhile :slight_smile:

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Welcome “back” Elizabeth. Lets not make any bad jokes about how teachers never die.
So true, the good tester in all of us is always there, it just needs a trigger.


Hello Everyone!

I recently switched roles from IT/Product Support to QA Engineer to SDET, so I’m trying to learn all I can to provide more value to my company, Vasion, and help provide a more quality product to our customers! I’ve always had a strong draw towards development but haven’t quite found a role that’s been a good fit, but so far SDET is very appealing and very fitting to my personality.

I’m excited to explore many courses from the Ministry of Testing!


Congratz & Welcome to MoT @russclegg ! :slight_smile:

Since you are drawn to development, are you going to write some automated tests? :stuck_out_tongue:


SDET - Software Dev in Test , although I’m pretty sure I’m seeing it used in other ways, but to me it has always been, using coding skills to create the most valuable automated tests from the most valuable manual checks that consume the most time.

Although Russ, looks like you have your work cut out for you, creating “automation checks” for an “automation” tool. Although that should mean you know the territory well already :slight_smile: As always welcome to MOT, pull up a chair and find any existing threads and contribute or ask your own questions.

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Hi all,
My names Joe, I am from Hertfordshire, UK, and I am just beginning my journey into software testing. I hope to learn as much as I can in the coming months and immediate goal is to get on an apprenticeship as a software tester. I’m looking forward to the process of learning more about testing as it is a whole new world for me, and there is a lot to learn!



I almost read that as “Hi I’m James from Hertfordshire”, and memories of animal doctors flooded in. With that unhelpful miss-direction resolved, we can fully welcome Joe, properly to the community. Do tell us more about the kind of testing or engineering work you currently do. You may surprised to find that you already do know quite a lot about testing, especially since you already know that it’s a journey already.


Hi Joe from Hertfordshire! Welcome to MoT :slight_smile:

What did you do before your switch to software testing?


Thank you for the invite @mwinteringham. My name is Kamila and I live in Gloucestershire UK. I am new to Software Testing. I work in finance . I have been self learning testing for a while and I feel extremely lucky to come across MoT. I am really looking forward to learning from this course and other courses in the future.



Welcome to the Club. There’s a lot of good material here, and plenty of people to help with questions.