MidsTest 23rd January - Improving the reliability of automated tests

Louise Gibbs will kick off the new year with her talk in January for #MidsTest, with her talk,

“Improving the reliability of automated tests”

Over reliance on technology is a dangerous thing. If I am travelling on the train, I may use a variety of apps on my smartphone to help me get where I need to go. The national rail app will tell me which train to catch, google maps will tell me how to get to the station, I may make a phone call or send a text if the train is delayed and I need to let someone know I am going to be late, and I may listen to some music on Spotify to stop me from getting bored. But what happens if my phone gets lost or stolen? Or the battery runs out? What if there is a design flaw in one of the apps or the smartphone itself?

With this in mind, we now need to think about our own use of test automation. What happens if we rely on tests that are outdated or broken? Worse, what happens if the tests are reporting false positives? In this talk, I aim to discuss the dangers of over reliance on automated tests and the importance of testing your automated tests.

Louise’s talk will be starting at 19:00, with time for networking and socialising before and afterwards.

There will be food and drink for our attendees, courtesy our fabulous sponsors - Woodrow Mercer who will also host us in their offices in central Birmingham.

If you are interested, please sign up at https://www.meetup.com/Ministry-of-Testing-MidsTest/events/257000106/

About Louise:
Louise is a Software Test Engineer at Malvern Panalytical.
Louise can be found blogging at https://louisegibbstest.wordpress.com/, as well as actively posting on LinkedIn.
She has most recently spoken at Online Testing Conference (http://www.onlinetestconf.com), with her talk on “Getting the most out of automated software test development”.