Racket Roundup - August 2021

As we prepare to say goodbye to the summer in the northern hemisphere (or, if you’re in the UK, wonder whether it ever arrived at all), it’s time to get reflective about the best testing-themed audio posts on Racket during the past month! :speaker:

Racket is constantly adding improvements to its platform, and just this past month they’ve added a pause button to their recording studio! So if you get an attack of the sneezes / giggles / Amazon delivery driver mid-recording, you can hit pause and continue once everything settles down.

For more about getting started on Racket, check out Simon’s thread about our Monthly Racket Club.

This month’s Rackets:

Welcome to Racket, @al8xr! In a marvellously considered post, responding to a question from @ThePirateTester about what he would change about our industry, Oleksandr talks about the importance of testers developing technical skills, and helping to reshape people’s perceptions of how technically-skilled testers can be.

If you’ve been on Racket for a while, or even if you’re a newcomer, one thing will become obvious very quickly - @kristof is your go-to guy if you’d like to hear some amusing anecdotes about testing experiences. Kristof responds to this AMA question from Racket creator Matt Guay, talking about some of the bugs that have escaped his team’s eyes (and that it’s practically impossible to avoid bugs slipping through).

Did you know that @emna_ayadi has co-authored a book, “21st Century Skills for Testers”, which is related to gamification and can be found on Leanpub? In response to an AMA, Emna shares the story behind what led her to collaborate with testers to write this book.

There’s a new technology podcast on the scene, and you’ll already be familiar with two of the hosts; one of them is me, and another is @gwendiagram! On Tech Team Weekly we’re talking about the hot topics in the product / technology space, and encouraging comments from listeners. @bethtesterleeds took the creative step of creating a Racket in response to our request for thoughts about the “new normal” with her experiences of working during the pandemic.

It’s a two-month streak on the Racket Roundup for @ckenst, cautioning us as a community when trying to push too many extra-curricular activities onto already hard-working testers, and that there’s nothing wrong with being “in it for the money”.

What Rackets do you want to share?

Heard anything good lately that you’d like to highlight for next month’s roundup? Feel free to post them below for consideration, and don’t forget to share the love! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thank you for including my racket ! and for sharing rackets worth to listen from the testing community :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for including me! And for other useful Rackets too…