Welcome to this month’s hand-picked selection of Rackets from across the testing community. If you’re not familiar with Racket, it’s a platform for short audio blogs, or mini-podcasts, where you can record and instantly publish your thoughts on any subject that you wish.
It’s great to see so many testers on the Racket leaderboards, but if you’re new to the site or you’d like a taste of what a Racket post sounds like, below are a few that have been lighting up the internet airwaves over the past month.
For more about getting started on Racket, check out Simon’s thread about our Monthly Racket Club.
This month’s Rackets:
@darktelecom has been sharing some personal testing stories featuring both joy and pain during the past month. In this particular tale, he shares a story about how automation almost caused his bank account to be shut down - he admits that he can laugh about it now, but it was scary at the time!
It’s no surprise that @emna_ayadi is constantly hovering near the top of the Racket leaderboard, as she has frequently been publishing Rackets on a wide range of topics. In this post, published as part of our Bloggers Club for July, Emna shares some tips for testers when they join a new team, which are valuable for both new and experienced testers.
Some top tips from @melissafisher on the subject of being a mentor, understanding the difference between mentoring and coaching, and how to determine which of those your mentee is most in need of. There is also some advice on starting new challenges, and the difficulties of getting out of your comfort zone.
Have you heard about GitHub’s new Copilot feature, which uses AI to help programmers to write their code more quickly? @kristof answers a volley from Racket’s founding editor Matthew Guay, giving his thoughts on what Copilot could mean for the future of software development.
Two testers for the price of one! Did you know that multiple people can join a Racket conversation? @ThePirateTester (AKA The Pirate Tester) has been taking advantage of this, hosting a series of chats with members of the testing community. In this Racket with @bethtesterleeds (no relation) Beth and Lee talk about their very different paths into testing, and share tips on how to advance your career.
What Rackets do you want to share?
Heard anything good lately that you’d like to highlight for next month’s roundup? Feel free to post them below for consideration!